Kristina Sarhadi’s Quest for Justice: New Filings Claim Justin “Sane” Geever Planning Escape from U.S. Legal System

Kristina Sarhadi has filed an amended complaint with allegations Anti-Flag frontman Justin “Sane” Geever, who she is suing for predatory behavior, sexual assault, and statutory rape, has liquidated his assets, transferred money out of the country, and is planning to flee the United States.
The legal troubles for Geever first came to light when Kristina Sarhadi shared her harrowing experience on the “enough.” podcast. Although she did not mention him by name, there were enough details for other survivors to recognize the sexual predator and come forward with accounts of their own experiences.
When more survivors came forward, Kristina felt a responsibility to take legal action against her predator, and she filed a lawsuit in 2023. Kristina also co-founded The Punk Rock Therapist where she offers free counseling to sexual assault survivors.
“My team files this Amended Complaint as part of our ongoing efforts to prevent Justin Geever from harming any more women or children, and to educate our communities that bystanders and enablers are dangerous too,” says Kristina. “Survivors like me, my clients through The Punk Rock Therapist, our sister-survivors and allies in the punk scene and beyond will not stop seeking justice, no matter how far predators may run, and how many enablers help them hide.”
Chris Barker, Chris Head, and Pat Bollinger, former bandmates of Justin “Sane” Geever in Anti-Flag, have distanced themselves from Geever by buying him out of their mutual business, potentially to reduce their own legal exposure. During investigations into this case, it came to light that the band was aware of Geever’s predatory actions at least 25 years ago and failed to intervene.
“They chose their business prospects over the welfare of their fans. For decades, these men financially and socially benefited from Geever’s predation while pretending not to see it,” Kristina says. “Had someone with power and opportunity stepped in to disrupt the constant, obvious flow of teenagers and young women into Geever’s orbit since the early 1990’s, they likely could have prevented the rape in 2010 that has stunted and scarred my life. They could have protected me and so many others.”
Karen Barth Menzies, one of Kristina’s attorneys says, “Anti-Flag is the ultimate sell-out. Their sinister use of feminism to further their greed and allow the sexual assault of women is now obvious, especially from their reaction to this lawsuit. Even after all she’s been through, Kristina was willing to forgive and allow space for healing. In response, Anti-Flag continued their deceit and manipulation. Kristina’s courage and conviction to act against a powerful establishment has revealed the ugly truth about Anti-Flag and about this industry.”
Read Kristina’s full statement [PDF].